Rum and the sea are inseparable, and no rum is more akin to the sea and the seaman than is British Navy Pusser's Rum. For more than 300 years, sailors of Great Britain's Royal Navy were issued a daily ration of rum by the Purser (corrupted to "Pusser" by the Jack Tars).
From 1655 to 1970 "Pusser's Rum" was one of the few daily comforts afforded those early seamen of Britain's Navy as they fought across the globe to keep the Empire intact and it's sea lanes open.
British Navy Pusser's Rum is the same superb blend of five West Indian rums as served on board Their Majesties' ships for three centuries. Today, it is still blended in accordance with the Admiralty's exacting specifications of 1810.
Pusser's Rum was never sold or offered to the public, and if a rum connoisseur managed to acquire a tot or two, he saved it for a very special occasion. It is said by connoisseurs to be more like a fine brandy than a rum, with a full, rich flavour and a smoothness which are unsurpassed.
It is a sipping rum, which, of course, may also be mixed. Its full mellow flavour comes through anything you might mix it with. Either neat or mixed, you will notice and enjoy the full, rich flavour of Pusser's rum.
(Miniatures have a blue label however their ABV is still red label strength at 42 percent ABV).